Show all 11 services
Skinfade (1/2 or Zero On the Sides)
30 minutes, £15.50
This is not available with the selected services
Dry Cut (Does Not Include Skin or Half Fades)
20 minutes, £13.00
Skinfade + Beard Trim
30 minutes, £17.00
Haircut & Beard Trim
30 minutes, £16.00
Student Skinfade
30 minutes, £14.50
Headshave and Beard Trim
20 minutes, £12.00
Kids Skinfade (Under 10)
30 minutes, £11.50
Child Under 10 (Does Not Include Skinfade)
Does not include skin fades
20 minutes, £9.00
Older Gent
15 minutes - 20 minutes, £8.00
10 minutes, £8.00
Beard Trim Only
10 minutes - 15 minutes, £6.50
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